thumbnail client annual report

Make a Compelling Case

Donors are looking to invest in organizations that stir their hearts and steady their minds. Grounding your communication in a strategy that reduces barriers and clarifies impact will effectively move supporters from consideration to generous giving.


Professional Design is Key

Every donor touchpoint is an opportunity to demonstrate the transformative impact of their gifts through emotive stories, engaging images, and compelling statistics.

thumbnail client campaign materials
heart with signal icon

In my 13 years of agency experience, I directed and designed fundraising campaigns that raised $150MM annually.

heart with signal icon

In my 13 years agency experience, I directed and designed fundraising campaigns that raised $150MM annually.

well-designed annual report cover

captivating design

"We are thrilled with the captivating design of our annual report crafted by Autumn!

While we initially had concerns about deviating from what we've traditionally done, her innovative approach has proven to be precisely what we needed."

– Christina Scarpino, Development Director
well-designed case statement

impressed with speed, efficiency...

"I was especially impressed with Autumn's turnaround speed, efficiency, and her commitment to not wasting time, hers and ours, while delivering a high quality product."

– Josh Bode, Director of Ecumenical Affairs
  Al Amana Centre
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you are serving us so well

"Grateful for your work on this and everthing else! 

Everyone agrees that you are amazing and are serving us so well."

– Tara Chase, Communications Director
   Frontier Fellowship

Working Together

Feasibility studies and fundraising consultants guide you on what to tell donors, but the way you communicate is often overlooked. Clear, emotionally resonant, professionally designed fundraising materials are essential to making a strong case to key donors and reaching your fundraising goals.

Nonprofits partner with me to create compelling case statements, annual reports, year-end appeals, and more.

Here's what to expect in terms of major phases of work:


Needs & Objectives

At the start, we'll meet to onboard me to your organization, your key audience(s), and your overall fundraising goals/plan.


Creative Strategy

I'll then propose a creative strategy that weaves together messaging and visuals to move your donors from consideration to generous giving.


Donor Tools

Then the magic happens as your fundraising materials come to life with professionally-crafted design.


Fundraising & Donor Tools


Varies based on project scope.

star "twinkle" icon

Special pricing available for nonprofits & business startups.

What You Get


A donor-focused creative strategy


Strategic and emotive messaging


Professional design


Print and digital formats (as applicable)


Final, editible files


High-touch, guided process

Best of Fundraising & Donor Tools

Fuel Your Work in the World

Let's tackle the challenges you're facing. Reach out to connect or request a proposal.