Refreshing key elements reinvigorate aging brand and instill renewed mission-confidence.
Frontier Fellowship has a far-reaching mission, bringing physical and spiritual resources to the least-reached corners of the globe. Recognizing the importance of sharing their mission, the organization underwent a full rebrand in 2017.
Years later, on the cusp of launching a capital campaign, their team recognized the need to address specific communication challenges that had emerged and to ensure their message continues to resonate the next generation of supporters.
Not looking for a totally new direction, they partnered with me to infuse fresh life into their existing brand—a strategic refresh that would propel their organization forward.
To refresh a brand (rather than re-brand it) is to fine tune and polish existing elements, including color, typography, layouts, templates, etc. but still retain the essence of the original brand direction. These adjustments are aimed at solving hurdles and challenges that are bogging down the existing brand and communication.
+ Simplifying the overall color palette as several of the swatches were under-utilized. The paired-down palette strengthens its presence as well as simplifies implementation for staff.
+ Modifying templates to showcase FF's beautiful photography style.
+ Increasing contrast and white space overall to aid legibility—a concern they heard frequently from their audience.
+ Refreshing key communication pieces with an overall cohesive polish.
–Tara Chase, Communications Director, Frontier Fellowship
–Tara Chase, Communications Director, Frontier Fellowship
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