Gracious Grounds

A new, refreshed brand & website makes both the benefit and the process more clear and engaging for prospective residents & volunteers.

Independent Housing for Adults with Disabilities
Delivered: + Website design + Refreshed brand elements + Focused messaging
Gracious Grounds provides independent housing and caring support for adults with disabilities. Like many organizations, their small staff wears multiple hats, and their main focus is on serving their community.

Admittedly, their website had become so neglected they hesitated to point people to it. (A challenge more common among nonprofits than you might think!) It was time to start fresh and create a site that would not only serve prospective residents considering making Gracious Grounds their home, but also could be easily maintained by their staff. A website that would clearly showcase their impact to donors and be something they would take pride in sharing with others.
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Behind the Design

The organization’s existing color palette and graphics fell flat in capturing the warmth and personality of Gracious Ground’s vibrant community. My objectives were to help the GG team hone their core message and to breathe new life into the website's design and presentation.

First up, I refreshed their colors infusing them with more depth and interest (while maintaining the dark green as the primary brand color). Along the way, the team and I locked in six distinct benefits Gracious Grounds offers residents in their pursuit of independence. This inspired a set of custom icons that highlight these distinctions in a style that communicates a core organizational belief: that at every GG Community Member is:

uniquely accepted  •  cared for  •  growing

"Previously, our site didn't showcase who we are or what we do, and it had a lot of outdated language and functionality.

Now our website truly represents our community and provides a user-friendly experience for prospective donors, residents, and our staff!"

– Liz Nienhuis, Executive Director, Gracious Grounds

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